9 Keys to Healing Mastery:
Embody Your Quantum Self
Watch This 1.5 Minute Video to Discover The Quantum Secret to Consistently Producing Extraordinary Client Results:

This free webinar & Mastercourse will support you in stepping into a limitless level of your abilities as a healer and guide, expressing more of your radiance and superpowers in your everyday life.
That is the Quantum Way!
Special Offer
Free, Live Webinar Series:
9 Quantum Keys: For Extraordinary Client Results & Personal Transformation
Also: Opportunity to receive complimentary personal Discovery session
In these experiential live events Quantum Catalyst Darren Starwynn will present a fresh new roadmap to guide holistic practitioners and healers in working on the master healer level. This is a series of two webinars, each offered on two dates for convenience. Each webinar offers different aspects of the teachings listed below.
You will also have the opportunity to experience Quantum energy activations and attunements during each webinar. These lighten up old conditioning and help awaken your higher abilities.
You'll Discover

“My personal growth was exponential! I’ll be transforming my work. I’m really excited about using Quantum Healing, and this is the mastery I have been looking for. ”
- Caryn Carroll, Acupuncturist
In addition to the webinars, you also have the opportunity to schedule a complimentary discovery call with facilitator Darren Starwynn.
In that call he will help you map out a personalized blueprint for stepping into your next level as an Avatar master healer, and restructuring your work to reflect this shift in consciousness.
Click the button below to view webpage with details & registration for this webinar series
Yes, I would like to accept Darren’s invitation to have a free discovery call with him Schedule It

“My work has become more effective… The practices I’ve taken from this course have done more to change my world than anything else I could have done.”
--Eileen Durham, Acupuncturist

Quantum Healing Mastercourse 2023
A 14 Week LIVE Online Program
with Darren Starwynn, O.M.D.
Quantum Catalyst, Energy Medicine Innovator, International Instructor and
Author of Four Books Including #1 Bestseller Awakening the Avatar Within.
For Holistic Practitioners, Acupuncturists, Physicians, Spiritual Teachers, Coaches & Healers – CEUs Offered.
February 2 - May 6, 2023
Discover the Quantum way to express your higher abilities, and free yourself from wasting time and money on endless workshops, trainings, therapies and ineffective marketing efforts.
Gain the secrets of creating consistent, high-level results by using Quantum Catalyst Healing tools to deeply heal yourself and your clients, fulfill your higher purpose, deepen your love and grow your impact in the world.
And much more - click the button below for detailed syllabus

About Darren Starwynn
Darren Starwynn, O.M.D. is the author of 4 groundbreaking books and inventor of energy medical devices used internationally. Darren’s mission is to empower holistic health professionals, Lightworkers & healers to claim their higher healing abilities and elevate their business success.
As a Quantum Catalyst, his mission is to help support the worldwide Lightworker movement that is transforming the human race and our Earth. He does that by providing Ascension practices, Quantum Catalyst Healing trainings, awake business coaching and spiritual activations.

“I feel like my meditation has gone to a higher, more profound level and am hitting new stages of continued enlightenment.”
-- Chris Frederick., Co-owner and master trainer, Stretch to Win Institute

“You have really gathered an impressive group of students... My work has become more effective.”
--Conde Freeman, Acupuncturist