Quantum Mastercourse

Master Healer Leadership Program

Elevate Your Effectiveness to the Master Healer Level

Accelerate Personal Transformation

Step Into Conscious Leadership

CEUs offered.

Two Registration Options Offered: Fall Mastercourse (14 Weeks) or Quantum Certification Program (One Year)

Learn how you can elevate your medical or healing work to the Quantum level while deeply healing yourself by watching this edited webinar recording with Darren Starwynn. Click the button below to view it.

Have you heard the call?

You have the opportunity now to embody a higher level of master healer abilities. This will dovetail beautifully with your current professional skills. The growth, inner healing and success you seek arise as you release old conditioning and go through this shift in consciousness.

If this is what you are ready for, read on to learn how participation in the Quantum Mastercourse can support you. Is now the time for you to be a conscious leader and reap the benefits?

Tell us, is this you?

You're feeling stretched and sometimes frustrated with some clients who come to you and don't receive the results they're looking for. You would love to be able to heal more masterfully.

You’ve had energy shifts, awakenings and upliftments, and would love to integrate these into your everyday experience. 

You’ve looked for spiritual mentorship and sacred community, yet have often felt disillusioned by what you found.

You’ve already learned so much, experienced so much and done a load of personal growth, yet a core part of you still feels unfulfilled.

You have visions or goals that inspire you, and you would love to feel more supported (and less alone) in realizing them.

You would love to crack open your high heart and express more of the pure love you know yourself to be.

Imagine if…

You could be part of a community of awakening master healers, and you have the luscious feeling of being home with your true family.

You could feel confident working with clients with difficult, convoluted or even scary issues… because you’ve developed a trusting relationship with the source of all healing.

You’ve stopped running from your deeper feelings and shadow self. Now you’re discovering how to accept and channel this great power within you..

You are living your bigger purpose day to day. You’re taking leadership and exchanging support with other high-level people.

You take more time for fun and doing what you love - and you get more done! (Wu Wei)

You’ve gained the secrets of awakening your consciousness while strengthening and upgrading your body.


Quantum Mastercourse

A Program for Transforming Your Life and Embodying Master Healer Skills

Who this program is for:

Acupuncturists, Physicians & Holistic Practitioners

Throughout your life you’ve explored many methods for improving client results while working on your own development. You’ve come a long way. but now sense a higher consciousness calling to you. You would love to build your confidence in being able to effectively help clients and loved ones who are going through really difficult challenges. You’re also seeking the key to healing your own unresolved issues so you can live with greater Presence.

Coaches and Teachers

You sense that you need to take your work to the next level. What you’re offering your clients and students is valuable, yet feels stale on some level. You’re sick and tired of taking courses and working with mentors who haven’t really helped you uplevel in the way you’re really wanting. Now you’re hungering for a true awakening of your heart and spirit that allows you to serve more masterfully.


You know you need to raise your consciousness and develop new skill sets so you can continue to effectively lead others. The often dizzying pace of change, plus new challenges is requiring you to increase access to your intuition. You may also be burned out on dealing with hierarchies and conflicts and are ready for the keys to serenity and higher wisdom.


The online Mastercourse program culminating in the live retreat was profoundly healing, transformational, inspiring, evolutionary and motivational. It truly was all remarkable – your presentation, the incredible individuals and group. The creation of this group Quantum Field, the exercises, the material, the invocation of the Divine and all our Avatar selves. 

Santon de la Vie Teacher and transformational coach

What’s inside the program

Quantum Mastercourse core content

Supportive Media and Resources

Business Development Support

Mastercourse Bonuses

Quantum Mastercourse core content

14 weekly LIVE teaching and practice sessions: These Modules contain a lively mixture of powerful skill-building teachings, guided transformational practices and one-one practice sessions in Zoom breakout rooms. You’ll gain confidence as a Quantum Healer, and in how your divine energy transmission moves through you.

Live, in-person retreat: These highly transformational, total immersion experiences are profound, life-changing experiences. You’ll love the high level of the people you’ll be joining, and it is also great fun. The last retreat earned the highest rave reviews ever!
Note: TWO live retreats are included with Quantum Certification enrollment option.

25 weekly LIVE interactive 30 minute group meditation and Quantum Activation sessions

Private, one-one Quantum Healing and Coaching sessions with Darren. He has remarkable abilities to read your higher soul purpose, reflect your superpowers and bring hidden blockages that have held you back into conscious awareness so they can be cleared. You will personally experience the remarkable fruits of Quantum Catalyst Healing and coaching for yourself.

4 Optional Q&A sessions: Receive extra, personal attention when you need it with Mastercourse content or personal issues.

Supportive Media and Resources

Access to the custom-designed, private member website: This program is designed to be convenient for busy people and different schedules. You can access all course recordings and resources 24-7 through your Member Page.

Video and audio recordings of all sessions: Posted on your Member page after each live session.

CEUS: 25 or more CEUs are offered for licensed Acupuncturists through NCCAOM and California Acupuncture Board for completion of this program.

14 short supportive videos and audios: You will access one or more bonus videos per Module for clarification and extra teachings.

Downloadable PDF notes and handouts for all teaching sessions: Handy outlines and step-by-step instructions are provided to you for online or off-line assimilation and reference.

Practices and Reflection Questions for each Module session: Working through these online study guides will deepen your realization and integration of the teachings.

Business Development Support

2 business development Zoom intensives: (3 - 4 hours each). Creative synergy happens in these optional sessions for members wanting support and inspiration for their business or project. These include financial block removal, branding / marketing support and sharing of specific guidance and resources for each individual.

Mastercourse Bonuses

Your enrollment in the Mastercourse includes these valuable bonuses.

Early Registration Bonus #1  | Additional Private Quantum Healing & Mini-Reading With Darren Starwynn (value $315)  With early registration (ask)

Pre-register by September 19th and receive an additional personalized Quantum Catalyst Healing, also with Assemblage Point adjustment, Quantum coaching, chakra balancing and multi-dimensional clearing, as needed. Darren has mastered these arts and can facilitate profound shifts in short amounts of time. Your bonus session will be scheduled either before or during the 14 week Quantum Healing course.

Bonus #2: Video Workshop - The Quantum Way to the Fulfilling Love Relationship You’ve Always Wanted With Lina Shanklin, Love and Relationship Transformational Master Coach and Darren Starwynn (value $125)  With early registration (ask)

If you would love to be in an intimate love relationship with a partner who vibrates with you on the higher levels you have been embodying, you will learn ways to manifest that through the Quantum Field in this workshop. The same applies if you would like to renew and improve the relationship you are already in.

Bonus #3:  Video Workshop - Connecting with Your Tribe / Creating Your Successful, Legal Healer Business (value $195)

This optional module is for practitioners and healers desiring to make a successful career out of Quantum Catalyst Healing or related systems. Darren has had well over 30 years experience running healing practices and coaching practitioners in holistic business development, and will share his effective methods and tips.

Bonus #4:  Video Workshop - Vibrational Medicine – Working with Microlight Therapy (value $125)

Darren has been a pioneer in the development of clinical vibrational therapy equipment. In this video he provides an overview and specific examples of using Microlight therapy for rapidly and effectively relieving chronic pain, neuropathy and internal imbalances, facial rejuvenation and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Bonus #5: A FREE Copy of Darren’s book Awakening the Avatar Within (value $20

Reading this book and doing the practices taught in it will accelerate your awakening process, and is an ideal companion to the Quantum Healing Mastercourse. The book will be sent to you in either paperback, audiobook or e-book format (you decide) right after you pre-register for the course, so you’ll have time to start your awakening and activation process.

Bonus #6: Awaken the Avatar Within Audio and Video Online Mini-Course (value $97)

This course was created as a companion to the Awakening the Avatar Within book to make the profound Ascension practices offered more accessible.

By the end of this course, you will experience:

The Field: Your ability to directly experience and tap into the Quantum Field and 5th dimensional energies.

Quantum Healing Tools: Increase your clinical confidence by implementing remarkably effective Quantum Catalyst healing tools and methods (including for self-healing).

Your Transmission: Greater attunement to the spiritual energy transmission that expresses through you and creates all the positive results in your life.

Conscious Leadership: Update your identity and awareness of your higher purpose, and the unique way you help lead others. Formulate a plan to step into this and be supported in fulfilling it.

Direct Knowing: Easier access to your higher intuitive gifts - one of the greatest assets for healers and successful business owners.

Quantum Chakra Mastery: Confidence in augmenting client results, including trauma release, through evaluation and balancing of the energy chakra system.

Multi-Dimensional Clearing: A profound system for identifying and clearing hidden causes of suffering, blockage or failure.

Upgrade Your Business: Leverage your new level to unleash your brilliance, update your mission and accept earning what you’re worth!

                         Mastercourse Modules

                                      Here’s What You’ll Discover and Embody in the Mastercourse

Module 1 – Your Ascension Track: Getting Motivated to Transform Your Consciousness

Ascension of consciousness is rapidly increasing on Earth now, even in the midst of what may seem like breakdown and chaos. In this first module, you will discover simple, powerful practices for aligning yourself with inner Presence and the Quantum Field of pure love, and create powerful intentions for the Mastercourse.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • Sacred process for shifting your identity from personality to Soul
  • The Quantum Field & Fifth Dimension (5D) – directly experiencing the ultimate power vortex always available to you
  • Practices offered: Foundational Practice set, Universal Energy attunement and Central Axis Breathing

Module 2 – Awaken the Avatar Within: Tapping into Your Avatar Energy Transmission & Christ Consciousness

You are an Avatar – Divine source manifesting as and through a human being for a high purpose. This module is dedicated to your conscious awakening to this truth. Your Avatar transmission is the stream of cosmic vibrational energy that is your truest essence and flows through you. In this Module you’ll be supported in “spreading your wings” and sharing your transmission with other participants. You’ll also awaken Higher Sense Perception ability to See and read others. Wonderful stuff!

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • How to recognize and attune your awareness to your Avatar transmission
  • Practical applications of your transmission to real life applications including healing, teaching, business and leadership
  • Removing denial and conditioning so you can tap into the limitless love and healing ability of Christ Consciousness (free of any religious belief systems)

Module 3 – Receive Clear Guidance: Awakening Your Dowsing and Energy Reading Abilities

Everything you need to know personally, professionally and spiritually is always available to you. Dowsing is a highly accurate way to receive needed guidance of any kind. Knowing dowsing techniques are of great value in healing or medical work, and will clarify any form of business decision making.



In this module, you’ll discover:

  • Activating your Body Pendulum – no tools required
  • Using a pendulum for Yes/No answers, clinical decision-making and energy testing
  • “Getting the client information download” – Quantum Chakra evaluation

Module 4 – Quantum Catalyst Healing I: Transforming Your Work to the Quantum Level

Becoming a Quantum Catalyst Healer is only partially about learning new skills. It is much more about remembering and activating deep wisdom and abilities you already have within you, and upgrading your body to be able to hold these high frequency energies. You will receive what you need to progress to your next level of embodying Master Healer, whether this is totally new to you or you have already been practicing related methods.



In this module, you’ll discover:

  • Seeing your clients as already whole – the secret of healing on the Quantum level
  • A one minute ritual to clear the space for your healing sessions and elevate your work to the Quantum level. You can use this for any medical, holistic or business work
  • How to connect and work with your divine guidance Team and your future self
  • The art of supporting clients through emotional upset or energy release
  • Practice offered: Embodied Radiance, building the energy circuits of your body

Module 5 – Going Deep On Chakras: Gaining Rapid, In-Depth Evaluation Skills

This module will teach you a quick, effective system for evaluation and balancing of mind-body-spirit imbalances through the energy chakras of the body. This system has been developed and refined by Darren over a 30-year period. Evaluating and balancing chakras is a vital aspect of Quantum Catalyst Healing, and can be done in person or through remote healing sessions.


In this module, you’ll discover:

  • How to deeply understand people and the root causes of their issues within a few minutes through Quantum chakra evaluation methods
  • How to assess and balance chakras in-person or remotely for remarkable results
  • 3 chakra balancing methods- guided practice session

Module 6 – A New Model of Leadership for Awakening Avatars: Building Your Network Through the Flower of Life

Let go of most of your old beliefs about leadership, and step into the Quantum way to embody and share the greatest value you bring to others. You will learn a new, soul-directed system for organically growing your business or service, and how to realize this.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • How to work with the Flower of Life to build your inner and outer circles and prosper
  • Release old, limiting beliefs and share support in realizing or updating your mission moving forward
  • Start enrolling allies to support you in your mission

Module 7 – Healing the “Gap” and Trauma: Reclaiming the Power Within Your Shadow Self

What you fear the most, and the frustrating inner energy blocks that often seem to thwart you, actually mark the areas of your greatest power. You must unmask and claim the power within your feeling body and shadow self in order to fulfill your mission and purpose.
Although these inner parts are usually very well defended and elusive there are wonderfully effective group processes we will practice to connect with and integrate these vital truths of your being. You will gain Quantum tools for transforming the energy of trauma into spiritual gold and success power.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • Inner emotional alchemy – locating and unmasking inner energy blockages
  • Bilateral Trauma Clearing Method Part One
  • How to bring conscious Presence to the core of trauma so it can unwind and transform

Module 8 – Multi-Dimensional Clearing – Becoming a Spiritual Detective

Multi-Dimensional Clearing is a gateway to discovering root causes of your client’s obstacles or suffering usually missed by most healers and therapists. Using your Body Pendulum you’ll gain confidence in grasping these answers within a few minutes. This method opens a whole new world of your ability to be a Quantum Catalyst who can help people to free themselves up on the deepest level.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • The 10 forms of negative conditioning, and how to identify them
  • Synthesizing awareness of these burdens with Chakra findings, and allowing the Divine to clear them
  • Expanding your Higher Sense Perception to trustingly receive needed insights

Module 9 – Everything is Energy: Empowering Yourself Through Universal Laws

In this Module we’ll go deeper into inner alchemy of working with Universal Energy to be magnetized into “timelines” of life you wish to embrace and experience. In order to move from “muggle” to “magical” in your everyday life it is necessary to consciously align yourself with Universal Energy and Law. This module provides vital insights and attunements for you to make this vital transformation.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • How to break the taboo against knowing who you REALLY are, claiming your power to create or change your reality
  • The 7 Universal Laws of Energy – understanding and practical examples
  • Rapidly clearing negative states and uplifting your energy and love vibration through use of dowsing boards
  • Co-Creating with the Divine – the science of manifestation and healing miracles

Module 10 – Epigenetics and Light Body Activation: Upgrading and Strengthening Your Body for Vibrant Health

This module focuses on methods for upgrading your body so it can maintain higher states of consciousness and healing energies without getting sick or drained. This teaching is based on the core message and methods of Darren’s book Awakening the Avatar Within – A Roadmap for Uncovering Your Superpowers, Upgrading Your Body and Uplifting the Human Race.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • Daily rejuvenation practices to strengthen subtle energy bodies and seal places you’re losing or leaking vital energy
  • Merkaba Light Body practice to increase embodiment of your true, Avatar self
  • How to train yourself to maintain coherent energy more of the time so you upgrade your body to radiant health

Module 11 – Higher Sense Perception: Amplifying and Expanding Your Intuition

Intuition, clairvoyance and direct knowing are already within you. What is needed to reclaim your higher sense perception is removing denial and mistrust in your innate intuitive gifts. That’s what we will be practicing in this awakening and fun module.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • The power to overcome the cellular level fear preventing you from tapping into your higher sense perception
  • How to trust your feeling body for making decisions and leading effective healing sessions
  • Accelerated Quantum tools for rapidly stepping into your intuitive abilities – practice sessions in breakout rooms

Module 12 – Quantum Catalyst Healing II: Growing Your Capacities in the Lightworker Retreat

This three day long weekend retreat provides you a highly transformative, total immersion experience in the teachings and practices of this course. Throughout human history this kind of immersion experience has been shown to be essential for awakening and integrating higher states of consciousness.

This retreat will be held in-person at a beautiful retreat center in Northern California. Participants unable to attend the retreat live will be able to participate via Zoom.

Darren’s students have reported experiencing the most profound and rapid openings to their Master Healer capabilities and higher intuitive abilities, as well as personal healing breakthroughs during these retreat experiences.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • Frequent hands-on, one-to-one Quantum Healing practice sessions with additional advanced teachings
  • Processes for compassionately healing unresolved aspects of your shadow self
  • Sacred group ceremony for bringing out your true self and updated purpose in practical expression
  • Clarity on your higher purpose as a Lightworker, and receiving support in identifying and claiming your superpowers
  • Support for facilitating miraculous transformations in yourself and your clients
  • Deepening of your meditation abilities
  • Lots of fun, music and hiking!

Module 13 – How to Conduct Effective Remote Healing or Coaching Sessions

Quantum Healing works equally well in person or remotely via phone, Skype or Zoom. You will benefit from Darren’s long experience with remote sessions, and practice giving and receiving. This opens up a whole world of connection and opportunity for you.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • How and why remote sessions work – and how to gain confidence and attunement in offering them
  • Logistics and structuring of remote healing sessions
  • Quantum Activations to open up your remote healing abilities

Module 14 – Retreat Follow-Up: Integrating and Practicing What We Experienced

This module is for vital post-retreat support and integration. It is common for energy openings and transformative experiences to continue long after the retreat ends.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • Answers to any questions about the retreat teachings or healing methods
  • Loving, Quantum Catalyst Healing support for any unresolved issues or experiences
  • Focus on Realizing – practical expressions of your new state in your life and work
  • Resources and potential partnerships for bringing your new, Quantum level of expression out into the world


Darren Starwynn

When successful acupuncturists, healthcare practitioners, coaches and business owners are ready to take their consciousness and work to the next level they turn to Darren Starwynn. As a “Quantum Catalyst” he helps you open your heart and awaken your superpowers, so you can make your most valuable contribution and thrive.Darren loves empowering people to step into leadership so they can expand their circle and become a vital part of the solution.

He frequently receives enthusiastic acclaim from attendees of his workshops and retreats because of the profound, life-changing experiences so many of them have.
Darren has written four groundbreaking books including bestseller Awakening the Avatar Within, led hundreds of workshops and trainings, and invented vibrational medical devices that have been sold internationally since the 1990’s.

Darren has over 30 years experience in acupuncture, Chinese medicine, energy medicine and spiritual healing. He has mentored or inspired thousands of healthcare practitioners, business owners, healers and meditators to embody Quantum principles of healing, leadership, spirituality and financial success.
Darren believes that true spiritual awakening best takes place in a strong and well-grounded body. Therefore he emphasizes both physical fitness and core emotional healing for his students and clients.

Darren's healing journey started during his childhood, when his burdens of deep, unexplainable inner pain pushed him into a search for solutions.  His path took him through brushes with mental illness, drug use and then into traveling the world studying with advanced spiritual master teachers. Darren says "I feel like I've lived many lifetimes in this one. Now it is my greatest desire and honor to help other Lightworkers to free themselves from old conditioning in an easier way than I went through, so they can step into their courage and mastery." 

Darren is Director of Bridge to Mastery Consciousness Institute, and also serves as lead minister of Lightworker Ministry. 

Darren has a unique gift that sets him apart from other teachers: he is a conduit of light and a catalyst for Lightworkers and healers to step into their full potential. I am forever grateful to know him, his courses and his retreats

Stephanie Nelson

, Yoga Instructor and Sound Healer

Is the Quantum Mastercourse right for you?


You’d love to integrate a Quantum level of healing and transformation with the professional work you’re already doing - and see it take off.

You’ve already tried many workshops, trainings, spiritual paths and mentors with limited (or no) benefits. You’d love to find a soul-guided way to radically fulfill what you were looking for through all those paths.

You hunger to be part of a true spiritual community of fellow healers and leaders.

You’re sick and tired of being sick and tired on some levels! You know you’re capable of being inspired and energized more of the time, and are ready for the master keys to that state.


You want a program that doesn’t require any commitment.

You don’t feel ready to do your inner work.

You’re not willing to block off advance time in your schedule so you’ll be able to prioritize participating in the Mastercourse meetings.

You’re willing to let fear stop you. (Courageous people feel fear like everybody else, they just don’t let it stop them)

Quantum Mastercourse Value

Just to summarize, the total value of all the elements of the year long course and exclusive bonuses is over $26,000

What You Get in Our Six Month Program With Results to Last a Lifetime!

  • 14 - 28 (You choose) Live, Bi-Weekly Core Modules of the Quantum Healing Mastercourse (2 hours each) (Value $9000)
  •  Weekly Live Group Meditation & Energy Upgrade sessions (Value $3900)
  • 5 Day In-Person Immersion Retreat (Value $8500)
  • 4 Business Development Zoom Intensives (Value $600)
  • 4 Bi-Weekly Personal Sharing and Q&A Bonus sessions (Value $800)
  • PDF Notes for Each Teaching Session (Value $750)
  • 25 Bonus videos for additional support with Modules (Value $1350)
  • Weekly Practice and Reflection Questions (Value $500)
  • Access to an online, private online community (Value - Priceless!)
  • Video Workshop:  Creating Your Successful, Legal Healer Business (Value $195)
  • Video Workshop:  Vibrational Medicine – Working with Microlight Therapy (Value $125)
  • A Free Copy of Darren’s New Book Awakening the Avatar Within (Value $20)
  • Awaken the Avatar Within Audio and Video Online Mini-Course (Value $97)

Total Value: $21,277

Regular Package Pricing: $12,995

Because this is the first time this configuration of the Conscious Leadership Mastercourse is being offered, today you can step into your Quantum Master Healing Power for a greatly reduced price. You can enroll for a limited time at the reduced tuition of:


or payment plan:  $2000 down, then 4 monthly payments of $777 each





Activate Your Master Healer Abilities
Awaken Your Higher Sense Perception
Elevate Your Effectiveness
Step Into Conscious Leadership

Start October, 2024

Flexible programs include bi-weekly Module meetings, bonus classes and Retreat, with late summer break.

Two Program Options:

Option One

Fall, 2024 Quantum Master Course

Option Two

Year-Long Quantum Certification Program

Fall, 2024 Quantum Mastercourse

Includes 15 2 hour training modules, supportive media, business support and generous bonuses, Quantum meditation training. Including one in-person Retreat and four individual Quantum Healing and coaching sessions.

Payment Plan

$2000 down, then



for 4 months

Note: Programs include tuition and all logistical support for live, in-person Retreats. There will be an additional cost to you for sleeping room and meals. We choose retreat centers with modest room and meal costs to keep this low.

Still have questions?

Start your program immediately by selecting one of the above programs and payment options.
Or book a free Discovery call first.

On that call you’ll learn more about flexible payment plans and the right program to support your goals and learning style. You’ll also receive a complimentary mini-reading and roadmap for your path forward, which you will benefit from regardless of your enrollment decision.

Remember, you don’t have to say YES right now. You only need to say MAYBE.
On this Discovery Call we’ll breakthrough any challenges you face and it is likely you will have an experience of transformation and the Quantum Field.