Raise Your Vibration & Master Healing Abilities at the
Awakening & Embodiment Retreat
A Complete Retreat Experience Via Zoom: Attend From Anywhere
July 29 - 31, 2022
Facilitator: Darren Starwynn, O.M.D., Quantum Catalyst

The purpose of this retreat is to catalyze greater embodiment of your true, Avatar self in your body, and activate your innate Master Healer abilities. Master Healers are greatly needed now in our societies because this level of in-depth healing is in such demand. Your Master Healer is the deepest, truest Self that you already are. Most people have an extensive veil over this part of themselves that prevents them from fully accessing and expressing their higher spiritual abilities. This has been put in place through sub-conscious programming and accumulated trauma, much of which is unseen. You will be supported in releasing lots of this weight so you can claim your innate healing and intuitive abilities and truly Lighten Up!
On a whole, personally I found it very powerful and the circuits started to connect in my body/mind/spirit. The mystery of how to literally lighten up was solved for me this weekend. It’s all about the inner circuitry work.
Allene H., Healer & Coach
I discovered my life purpose
Shannon Hershman, Fascial Therapist
This virtual retreat takes place over three full days (all times are in Pacific Time USA)
Friday, July 29th: 6 PM - 9 PM P.T.
Saturday, July 30th: 9 AM - 5:30 PM
Sunday, July 31st: 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM

To learn more about Quantum Catalyst Healing you will work with at the retreat, read this chapter from Darren's book
This virtual retreat takes place entirely on Zoom. No airplane tickets or lodging to book, no health worries, and highly economical! Reverend Darren keeps the Zoom retreats highly engaging and remarkably uplifting through varied, well-paced activities, liberal use of breakout rooms and lots of music and movement.
Reverend Darren Starwynn, O.M.D. See bio below.
Experience Darren and Quantum Activations at upcoming free webinar events.
Early Registration Tuition
Tuition Lowered For This Retreat
Original Tuition: $597
Now: $395
I had concerns about spending 3 days on Zoom, but it was amazing. Your ability to guide the group through such powerful and high vibrational experiences was a gift I will cherish. I’m excited to apply the practices that will help us build on the amazing experience of these three days.
Eileen Durham, Acupuncturist
Free Video Series to Help You Prepare
Upon your retreat registration you still start to receive a series of four brief videos containing valuable teachings from Reverend Darren. These videos will help you prepare to receive maximum benefit from the retreat. They cover basics of Quantum Healing, Higher Sense Perception and more.
For Full Tuition Details, see below
Retreat Activities and Topics
Retreat Activities and Topics
Facilitators Bio:

Reverend Darren Starwynn, O.M.D. is a Master Quantum Catalyst healer, and has led hundreds of retreats and educational workshops for healthcare practitioners and the public throughout the world. He is the author of four groundbreaking books, the most recent of which is Amazon bestseller and Gold Medal Award winner Awakening the Avatar Within: A Roadmap for Uncovering Your Superpowers, Upgrading Your Body and Uplifting Humanity. Darren has over 30 years experience as an expert in acupuncture, pain management and spiritual healing, and is founder of Bridge to Mastery Consciousness Institute and Lightworker Ministry (www.lightworkerministry.com). He has invented several innovative energy medical devices used worldwide.
Darren integrates advanced energy technologies with higher dimensional Quantum healing to help his clients release old trauma, pain and blockages. The ultimate aim of his work is to empower people to discover and actualize their most fulfilling life purpose so they can be an active part of the solution on Earth. Darren is a gifted channeler, psychic and healer. A lifetime meditator, he works locally in Mill Valley, California and also offers remote healing sessions throughout the world.
He can be reached at www.drstarwynn.com

Stacey Key
The Skintritionist, energy healer
I think overall it was a really great retreat. You do a really good job of creating a safe environment for souls to share, gather and expand…You have attracted a really special group of people and I could tell how impactful it was for everyone…I’m so excited for you to have birthed these quantum teachings into the world for generations to come.

Pam Stefl Toki
Reiki Master, Education Specialist
His commitment to the process of Awakening himself and others is unprecedented…I highly recommend these events to anyone interested in upgrading and moving into this important fifth dimensional work. Darren is the real deal!

Judith Hazelett
LMT, Payson, AZ
Darren is a joyful, unpretentious example of a great teacher. I came away with a renewed sense of dedication to help others using quantum healing, multi-dimensional clearing, voice dialogue, trauma release techniques and a general state of confidence as I move into new areas of healing. I am so grateful for this retreat and the Bridge to Mastery school.

Attending a Virtual Retreat
Many of the retreats led by Darren in recent years took place entirely through Zoom conferences, and participants loved them. The mix of healing practicums, group meditations, yoga/Qigong practice, dance breaks and one-to-one healing practice sessions in breakout rooms kept the experience engaging.
The breakout room function of Zoom allows remote participants to work one to one with each other for portions of the retreat to practice Quantum healing and sharing of intuitive readings. Participants in previous Zoom retreats loved these one-to-one sessions and many reported breakthrough experiences with their partners.
Tuition Lowered For This Retreat
Original Tuition: $597
Now: $395
Retreat - Single Payment of $395
A few sliding scale tuition slots will be offered for attendees who are called to attend the retreat, and are prevented from attending by financial hardships. To request a sliding scale tuition slot send an email to Darren at dstarwynn@eastwestmed.com . In the email state how much tuition payment you would like to offer. Your request will be reviewed with care and if approved you will receive a paypal invoice for the amount you offered, and you can pay from that.