Live in Divine Light

Awaken The Master Healer Within You and Join the Movement to Transform the World

OUr Mission

A spiritual organization dedicated to promoting the awakening of consciousness

Lightworker Ministry is a non-denominational, non-dogmatic 508(c)(1)(a) spiritual organization dedicated to promoting the awakening of consciousness within human minds and hearts, offering instruction in advanced Quantum methods of healing, creating online and in-person gatherings for meditation, prayer and healing, spreading Lightworker Ascension teachings world-wide, licensing and ordaining Avatar ministers, training, developing and supporting leaders in our community and nation, providing natural medical care and resources for missionary work, and engaging in activities necessary for accomplishment of these purposes.
Lightworker Ministry is a church, a member of Sacred Medical Order of the Knights of Hope (SMOKH), and a Nonprofit Religious Corporation.

These include guided Ascension Practice group meditations

Support your awakening and ascension process

Programs for healthcare professionals and non-professionals

Services Offered for Members:

Bi-Weekly Lightworker Conferences on Zoom

These regular meetings for members are elevating and highly transformative. You will learn powerful meditations and healing methods, and experience amplification of divine, loving Presence.  Come to offer your light and healing, and to receive it. Miracles can and often do happen. Each session includes Planetary Healing for humanity, animals and the Earth.

Professional and Healer referral database

You can search for health professionals or Healers from various regions through the Church referral database. Note – Exercise your own discretion - the Lightworker Ministry does not take any responsibility for your experience working with practitioners on this list.

Library of resources

Get access to videos, audios and writings to support your awakening and ascension process. Hundreds of articles, videos, and training courses to support and activate your Awakening and empowerment.

Training programs for Quantum Catalyst Healing & Vibrational Medicine

There is a range of programs offered. The year-long Quantum Certification program leads to being ordained as a Master Quantum Healer. The professional programs are open to both licensed healthcare professionals as well as non-professionals who wish to work as Healers.

Rapid Response Earth Healings

At times of crisis on the planet there will be additional emergency prayer sessions to support areas afflicted by wildfires, floods, earthquakes, widespread violence or injustice or more. It has been proven that focused group prayer and visualization can directly affect such events and help relieve suffering. If you choose you will be texted so you can participate when there is a call for group planetary healing.

Testimonials from members of the Quantum Healing community

Shanon M.

Wellness Business Owner

Dr. Eilzabeth S.


"I consulted with Dr. Starwynn because I needed support with managing a challenging patient load and feeling somewhat spiritually stuck.  I received such tremendous benefit from two sessions with him.  I felt much more alive and connected with my core spirituality in such a way I felt not only grounded in my own life, but with much greater ability to impact the lives of my patients."

Ahnna G.

Licensed Acupuncturist

“I personally received such a healing during this course I am forever grateful – something I had been struggling with for so long has been cleared… the Quantum Field of light will be a part of every treatment from this day forward.”

Lauren B.


“I can’t tell you how much I appreciate the work we did in our session. I really felt that our session and my continued self work has been changing my belief system about healing and having control of my life."

Ming-Sung A.


“I am very happy to have met Darren.  He led me to another spiritual space and healing energy spectrum huge and limitless.  I just opened a new window in my healing field and I am very excited about newer, broader and deeper (spiritual, physical, emotional energy fields) journey in my future.  Thank you very much!”

Lightworker Membership Content


Exclusive Training Courses for Guardians

Become A Guardian

There are programs appropriate for both healthcare professionals and non-professionals. The professional training program leads to being ordained as a Master Quantum Healer. The professional programs are open to non-professionals who wish to work as Healers.

From The Blog