More than you think! The human race has been is in a fallen state of consciousness in which we have largely forgotten who we really are as divine spiritual beings, or Avatars. We have become identified with our conditioned and often highly manipulated minds, which are based in fear and duality. This has led to the manifold crises facing the human race now. As you increase your capacity for maintaining higher levels of Light in your body by building internal energy circuitry, the power of your prayers and visualizations rapidly increases. That which you affirm and visualize comes to pass more quickly.

There is exponentially greater healing power unleashed when groups of awakening Avatar Lightworkers pray and visualize together. Have you been feeling angry, fearful, outraged or even despairing about what is happening in the world now? Those kinds of feelings are understandable. You can harness the power of your feelings to create real change when you attune to the limitless Quantum Field and join with other Lightworkers. When we come together WE are collectively the second coming of the Christ, and are unstoppable!

So if you want to make a real, positive difference in what is happening in your world, and the greater world here are some effective things you can do.

  • Join Lightworker Ministry and commit to participating in the bi-weekly Lightworker Conferences, bringing your love, care and desire to serve from your own divine presence. If you love what you experience invite others to participate also.
  • Realize that your life can be a ministry of love and service, no matter what you are physically doing (or not doing).  Step out of self-doubt and other low-vibrational energies and start offering more of your love and superpowers in service to others.
  • If physical, mental or emotional suffering has been diverting or blocking you from moving forward with fulfillment of your higher purpose seek and receive high-level healing support. This is offered through the bi-weekly Lightworker Zoom services, healer training programs and through referrals to recommended professionals.
  • You can learn to see your challenges as an Assignment of Love that holds the seeds of your greatest power and purpose, and receive support in realizing that.
  • In general, practice as much kindness, generosity, forgiveness, mindfulness and love as you can in your day to day life. Your day to day life is the ultimate sacred pilgrimage spot, ashram, power vortex or holy temple, more so than any place you can travel to. Embrace that truth and find the gift in all that you are experiencing, and share your blessings abundantly.
  • Commit to Daily Practices - Inside the Ascension Practices content library, access the meditations and guided visualizations for daily participation in your lightwork.
  • Read the Blog - Articles in the blog can help orientate your vision to your powers in becoming a lightworker and help you focus on what is relevant.
  • Courses for Lightworkers and Guardians - Explore the courses below, or inside The Library, to gain further insight and spiritual intuition. 

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Participate in our bi-weekly Lightworker Awakening & Empowerment Services and experience Quantum Healing. Click here for next events.

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