by Darren Starwynn

It’s possible to be a highly skilled healthcare professional and yet lack confidence in your abilities as a healer. So many experienced and successful practitioners I know have felt that way.

There is so much light pouring onto our planet now. While that is certainly a good thing, it also brings up lots of unfaced, unresolved energies in people. That’s why true healers are needed now more than ever!

Being a healer is more than working with therapeutic methods that help people relieve their distressing symptoms. It’s more about being a transmitter of divine radiance with the power to bring miraculous results.

I faced this dilemma and felt this gap within myself. I practiced acupuncturist and energy medicine over a 25 year period and earned a doctorate in Chinese Medicine. I led a successful business manufacturing energy medical devices, offered training seminars through the USA and abroad, wrote several popular books and was seen as an authority in my field.

In my private practice I was able to create positive results for most of my clients and was doing well. But then increasing numbers of clients started coming to me with difficult chronic pain, neuropathy or psychological problems who did not respond so well. Yes, I’d help them get temporary relief much of the time, but it clearly was not resolving what they really needed deep within.

This was troubling and painful to me. It shook my confidence and made me feel inadequate. I took additional training courses and read loads of books. It all helped but didn’t consistently shift my results. I realized I needed to go deeper within myself to discover what healing really meant. This dark night of the soul put me on a search to find those answers.

To make a long story very short, after studying with a series of powerful healers from many countries and going through many ups and downs, eventually I had my epiphany. I realized that being an effective healer was not really about me and my knowledge! I opened my heart and mind to a higher source of healing, and discovered how to allow and trust this divine current moving through me.

I used to believe I was kind of locked into my rational, left brain, and has very little psychic abilities. Yet as I went through this transformation my intuitive, higher sense perception rapidly opened up. It was exciting.

It was like a hole got opened up in the middle of my technique-oriented mind allowing a brilliant healing power to flow through. As I opened up to this flow my results with what I used to think of as challenging client cases vastly improved. In other words, the less I TRIED to do, the better it worked! This is called wu wei in ancient Chinese.

Odysseus A. came to me as a client 3 years ago. He was a tall hunk of a guy working as a successful athletic trainer and life coach. He told me he had owned three gyms and worked with groups and private clients. Odysseus soon wrote his first book about shadow healing work, and was giving talks around the Bay area about this topic.

Yet a sore pain troubled him. While Odysseus was confident as a trainer and coach he often felt like he was only helping his clients on a physical, surface level. This was not satisfying him anymore. He also felt a deep sense of fear within himself due to some disturbing experiences he had been through a few years previously.

Odysseus went through my Bridge to Mastery program and learned the ways of Quantum healing. He also attended a live retreat. He started applying Quantum healing methods with his clients, and like me, learned to “allow” healing to flow through him rather than being the do-er.

Here is a quote from Odysseus about what he experienced:

“Before meeting Darren I was in a very dark space. I spent thousands of dollars on doctors, healers, osteopaths. It wasn’t until I met Darren and went through some Quantum healing sessions that everything changed. I was finally able to heal myself by going through that process for just a few sessions. I joined his Quantum Healing Mastercourse and become certified as a Quantum Healer.

After attending two retreats I feel like I’ve found my family, found my tribe, and most importantly I feel like I’ve found myself. I’ve always been a very confident person, but my confidence as a healer wasn’t where it should be. Being exposed to this community and the support has allowed me to blossom as a coach, healer and human being, and as an embodied masculine energy in this world. Now I’m serving at a higher level than I ever have before, and I’m very grateful to see what I’m able to do moving forward.”

If you can relate to the stories of Odysseus and I, and sense a similar struggle in yourself, know there is a purpose in this. You wouldn’t even be caring about this subject unless your higher self was calling you to step up to a higher level. Use that “disturbance” to your benefit and be determined to discover how you can upgrade your true healing abilities. The rewards for you and your clients are profound and immeasurable.

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