By Darren Starwynn, O.M.D., Quantum Catalyst
There is an extraordinary opportunity in front of you now that. In this article will use words to try to describe something which is beyond words, and perhaps beyond what you may believe. Yet it is real.
A catalyst is someone or something that triggers transformation. A catalyst can be a human being deeply affecting others or a substance triggering a chemical reaction.
Your decision to step into being a leader in consciousness, or catalyst, is not only a decision you may be making now – it’s something that’s been growing inside of you for a long time. You may also use the words like healer, teacher, coach or physician to describe what you do. Yet the truest form of teaching and healing is to help others step out of their dark dreams and affirm their inner light.
It’s all happening on the soul level. Even if your mind feels like you’re a beginner at this, or you need somebody else to show you the way, that’s only partially true. Others can help you step into your power, but you already have it inside of you. Most likely there’s a wall of fear and inhibition around that knowing. After working with hundreds, maybe thousands of health professionals and healers over the decades I’ve seen this be almost universal.
At certain times in history there’s been a tremendous benefit to being in certain roles. For example, technology developers during the industrial revolution in the 1800’s had a big growth opportunity in business because they were in the right place at the right time. This created great success and wealth for many of them. The same applied to people who helped develop computers in the 1960s and 70s, or people who stood for social justice at times when the society was ready for it.
So how does this apply to you? Your window of opportunity and “growth industry” to serve as a conscious leader or catalyst of healing is in front of you now. This is your time.
The Package Deal Available to You
Another way to express this is that there’s a package deal being offered to you at this time by the divine. There’s something very precious you can give of yourself right now and commit to. And as you do that amazing blessings and benefits come to you.
So what is that you can give of yourself that is so needed? I call it sharing your transmission. By transmission I don’t mean a mechanism that shifts gears in your car or a disease being spread! I’m talking about an emanation of divine source with a certain frequency, a certain signature that is your truest essence.
If you step back from identification with your mind, your personality, your body and even what’s called your soul what is behind all that is your transmission. It’s like a sunray. Each ray of the sun can seem individual, yet is part of the sun. A wave in the ocean may seem individual but it’s part of the ocean. In a similar way this transmission is your divine source. This is your truest self and you’re already coming from this place. It’s not something you need to develop or attain.
The challenge is that we have a lot of layers of incrustation, or conditioning covering it up in our minds. So it’s not really about learning new tricks, it’s about uncovering what’s already there. There’s a lot of support now for going through the transformative process of clearing that incrustation, clearing the conditioning and clearing the walls of fear that may have been limiting you.
As you do that you can release the energy of your divine transmission and share it more fully. You can affirm: I’m willing to serve. I’m willing to contribute even if my mind doesn’t know how. That’s what your part is, and then of course to follow through.
What would that look like? It could look like all kinds of things. It could look like discovering how to come from a more loving and inspired place as you work with your clients. As a result they are able to break through their own dis-eases and issues more quickly or completely.
Or perhaps you open up your creativity through art, music, teaching, writing or parenting. Or stepping into a new level of leadership. Yet not all conscious leaders have external expressions like those. For some, their part is to be a frequency holder and simply radiate their transmission.
You are sharing your transmission when you are coming from your passion, from the thrust of who you are and fearlessly sharing it. Stepping up to share because you love. That’s the most precious thing you can give.
What You Receive
So what is it that you receive in this package deal as you do that? I can think of at least four major benefits.
Let’s start with the biggest one first. You actually get to contribute to the healing of our planet at this most critical time. You get to contribute in a meaningful, real way. How awesome is that? This is not Pollyanna, it’s not pie in the sky and it’s not grandiosity. This is real, and your transmission is a vital part of the healing of our human race and our planet. Your transmission is like one of the keys that helps open the lock. Of course how that manifests is completely individual.
Another blessing you receive is a level of personal healing that may have seemed unattainable or elusive before. The word healing derives from old German and English words meaning releasing fragmentation and coming into wholeness.
I know that most people reading this message have already been through a lot of healing, a lot of bringing yourself together. Yet there’s core pain that you’re probably still sensing at times that hasn’t fully shifted. That core pain may be inhibiting your creative expression, love or vitality.
When you open yourself to radiate your transmission you actually get to heal what could be called this unhealable parts of yourself. It also makes you much more capable of helping other people heal the unhealable parts of themselves. That boosts you into being a master healer.
Healing the unhealable often includes going deeper into the practice of inner forgiveness that may still be incomplete in us – even if we’re not consciously aware of it.
The second benefit in your package deal is that you get to be more successful. The definition of success in the Merriam Webster dictionary is:
“a favorable or desired outcome, or the attainment of wealth, favor, or eminence”.
What you set out to do, and what you’re inspired to do will flow with less resistance and more support coming to you. That can translate to more money coming to you and more clients coming to you. These happen by universal law because you are doing the sacred purpose that you were born to do, making you magnetic to these good things.
You’ve probably heard so much about visualizing what you want, saying affirmations and other prosperity exercises. So many people do those with limited results. That’s because those processes are all really good, but it’s your energetic vibration that is the true magnetic creation.
So as you share your transmission you raise your consciousness and become more magnetic. You experience greater success – whatever that means to you.
Another experience that opens up can be called spiritual awakening. The truest awakening is not just sitting in meditation and tuning into higher consciousness. A major form of awakening unfolds when you’re blessing others by sharing your transmission.
You qre awakening to 5D, the fifth dimensional consciousness as you embody that. When you are living in 5D more of the time you know yourself to be pure love and more easily sense the oneness of all life. Whatever you are doing physically, you are helping bring heaven to Earth.
There’s one more vital point to share. The whole process described here is less of a solitary journey than it was in past times on our planet. Your moment to moment decision to focus within is individual, and yet it’s totally amplified and supported in conscious groups. When you participate in groups of people who are clearing themselves out, bringing through their transmission and allowing this healing process to unwind then this awakening process is greatly accelerated.
This process deeply inspires me. As a result I frequently bring groups together ranging from free weekly meditations on Zoom to the multi-month Mastercourse programs where people who are ready to go through this process with great support over a period of time can have that, and blossom in ways that may have seemed almost unimaginable before.
The Call
A part of your awakening is to accept that things aren’t how they used to be. Our ego minds want to perpetuate our old identity and belief systems, because it feels safer to our sense of ego control. Yet we are rapidly moving into a radically different time on our planet that is often called the time of Ascension.
There is a great need now for conscious leaders and catalysts of healing who are reorienting themselves in this new reality. Do you feel the call to step up to serve in that way? If so you don’t need to know how. What’s most important is to say YES from your heart and it will all unfold.