Would you love to make a real contribution to the healing of humanity and our Earth? It’s been documented that tangible changes happen in the world when Lightworkers join together to focus their love and positive visualizations.
One example was the 1993 group meditation project in Washington D.C. that reduced the violent crime rate by 23.3%. There are other documented examples in the Awakening the Avatar Within book (Introduction chapter). Promoting those kinds of planetary healings is the purpose of the Lightworker Ministry Rapid Response Earth Healing group. You can join this group by sharing your cell phone number and authorization to receive occasional text messages.
Here’s how it works: I’ll post places of great need for healing on the maps of the USA and the world on the website Map page, with short descriptions. You’ll receive 2 – 3 text messages a week requesting that you visit the page and offer your prayers for people or animals in those areas. No experience required, only love and caring! When you visit the Map page you can also type in your own prayers, requests or experiences. This is true spiritual community.
To join the Rapid Response Earth Healing group click here.